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Q2 2024 (April, May, June)

WE HAVE RETURNED STELLAFELLAS!!!! i did not plan on ending this, but for the last three months, things were going a bit too fast for me to pop out SOS posts. maybe no one reads these, but i am dedicated to documenting my lore for anyone and everyone who wishes to read. if you have been following the last 90 days, i have been on the creed cruise, went to paris last min for the eras tour, took a long trip to Seoul, moved back to the US, and got reunited with my sweet babygirl Betty and my two cats :) truthfully i am ready for things to slow down, like, a lot. it’s been a bit too much for me to have all these things going on. i need a nap and my damn furniture so i can get back in my creative groove and do what i do best- be annoying online. anywho, here’s some ins and outs from the past few months :)


1) Clash of Clans: i am soooo late to this, maybe even 10 years late. but at the beginning of May i finally downloaded this time suck and i really am having so much fun! now that i’m getting up in the higher town halls, the fun of it has slowed down massively, but the come up to town hall 10 has been fun. i’ve been setting timers even to make sure i dont leave a second of down time for my builders. once i found out there were cosmetics and troll base builds it really was a done deal for me, what a fun game. don’t even feel compelled to spend money on it, just the season pass. that being said, if any REAL GAMERS wanna join my clan send me an email x)

2) Recycling: i’ve always preferred to recycle my trash but i think i’ve gotten a bit annoying about this. i feel immense guilt when tossing something i could recycle, especially in public. in no way am i a zero waste girlie but i cannot stand how much could be taken out of landfills and turned into some hippie couch cushion or child’s guitar idk…also, apparently recycling is too expensive and barely works? so whats the answer here? i don’t even view this as an environmental initiative just purely there are TOO MANY THINGS IN THE WORLD….reduce reuse recycle. that includes aluminium cans, cardboard boxes, and fwbs.

3) Sunning your holes: i thought this was a joke when i saw it circulate a few years ago, but now that i have a private backyard and direct Florida sun, I can confirm this is actually very enjoyable. even if it doesn’t do anything and it’s all in my head, who cares? its a great routine. feels freeing. please try at your own risk and do not do this if you have even the slightest chance of being seen because good lord is it a weird story to explain to your neighbors.

4) Handymen and being handy: i’ve always felt this way but goodness me those blue collar grimey skilled laborers are so hot. like yeah, you get covered in dirt and fiberglass insulation and wipe your drenched sweat forehead with your torn up tshirt…thats hot. i have done a few home tasks as well (more on that later) but to the professionals who are licensed and do great work with care…i love you. i weep to think that we will not have tradespeople anymore because everyone wants to be a tiktok star and have skibidi rizz or whatever…..PICK UP A POWER TOOL BOYS!!!!!

5) Real good food: you don’t understand how deprived i’ve been of good food while being in England. seeking any form of hispanic food was nearly impossible. so you bet as soon as i landed my butt in Florida i sought out the nearest elote and sucked that mfer dry. was a delightful experience. similarly, being in Seoul for those 12 days i ate SO much good food. tteokbokki and galbi being my faves. just so glad good food is in my life again, F the bland british foods (even if beanz on toast is good) give me my GMOs and insane culinary experimentation!!!

6) Theme parks: if i were president, i would make it mandatory to visit theme parks. the experience one has while exploring these whimisical lands cannot be overstated. disney doesn’t count, i want the CORNY and TACKY experience. specifically, i went to Busch Gardens Williamsburg, which is my favorite theme park. i also am a coaster head, i understand if you aren’t (stop being such a fucking wimp lol jk…maybe) but these places are going to shut down from people not wanting to leave their houses and their tiktok (it is to blame for everything). i would like to see a world where kids have the ability to see these places, and they won’t be able to if we dont take time to have extreme entertainment incorporated into our lives!!! i know they’re expensive. get the cheapest ticket you can and sneak your food in if you must. but just being there, even if at times inconvinient, will fill your soul full of good feelings. go forth my park enthusiasts. (pic is a RCT recreation of my fave coaster: Apollo’s Chariot)


1) Sleeping in late: just wake up bro. sleeping in past 8 (honestly even 7) is cringe unless you work nights. get your ass out of bed and start the day in the BEST hours you will have. i still have to take an afternoon nap when i do this, but i’ll feel better not having wasted most of my morning. this is half a diss on night owls, because i’m asleep early af, but what are you doing that is productive after 7pm?? literally nothing. when’s the last time you saw the sun rise? i have been adjusting from many layers of jet lag over the past month and every time i sleep in past 9:30am it feels like my day has just been thrown in the fire and wasted entirely. morning persons RISE UP!!!

2) Traveling: it’s stupid honestly and mad expensive. when i see someone going on their dumb little france/italy vacation now i just…scoff. expensive and those places suck, why leave what’s near you? there are hidden gems everywhere around you. when i was young and unexperienced, i thought traveling all the time and going to these places was like the peak goal, but truthfully its not good for the soul. you should see the world, of course. but constantly traveling and being the physical reincarnation of the 2012 tumblr wanderlust tattoo is…repulsive, honestly. like stop lying to yourself, Paris is a horrific city. most other places are tourist traps and you are getting scammed and no one likes you. go show me how much fun you have exploring a local trail and picking some litter up from public grounds. all about the image you portray…ffs.

3) Target: i don’t have too much to say here but i think i used to like Target a lot more than i do now. it’s not special, its mostly overpriced, and the store is messy and full of rude teenagers. the company should have shut after they discontinued their award winning private label chocolate brand Choxie….i will never forget those truffles.

4) Responding to haters: its just a waste of my time to get involved in discourse, and often times i take the bait. there is no nuance or sense of context on the internet, and most people are not listening and just want to get a rise. sooo i’ll stop responding or platforming these dorks. its a way of them getting attention and feeling validated which i’m pretty sure most of them cream in their pants over being noticed by an online girl anyways. wish we could all get along and be awesome, but for the people that are not interested in ever being half decent, i can just pretend they dont exist. that being said, i receive a lot of threats to my safety and privacy, and those accounts do get reported and handled in a more serious manner. basically i will either be ignoring these incel losers or responding with my *****. <3

5) England: THE QUEEN IS DEAD AND IM FREE FROM THIS BULLSHIT WEATHER HAHAHAHAHAH see my pro and cons list i made before i left:


-gorgeous countryside adventures

-the zip code system is perfect

-long summer days

-scotland is awesome and sentimental

-no GMOs (maybe?)


-VAT included in price

-a castle every 500 metres

-simon pegg 

-weird seafood offerings 


-expensive as shit

-brexit ruined the economy

-rainy grey and brown

-dark as shit in the winter

-healthcare barely works

-trains barely work

-salaries are horrible

-houses are small and prone to mold

-driving on some of the roads is annoying as fuck

-the systems people use just don’t work and they’re fucking stupid

-vanity license plates aren’t funny without being thousands of £

-they’re insane about their trash collection

-council tax is fucking stupid 

-you get sent random bills constantly for shit you didn’t know you had to pay

-the people are mean

-most girls are ugly and love gossiping 

-choice in guys is boy racers and road men wannabes

-the secondary school children are scary and make me fear for my safety

-people bring their kids literally everywhere

-nothing fun to do that doesn’t revolve around drinking or being 90 years old


-plug sockets are fugly

-energy bills are INSANELY expensive 

-perpetual sludge

-fashion is rancid

-“high street” stores have horrible vibes

-currency conversion is not in my favor 

-betty is highly sensitive to the environmental allergens

-taylor swift doesn’t live here anymore

-people are mean and judgemental (in the south)

-ouid is illegal but everyone is on mdma

-no plugs sockets in the bathrooms

-they don’t know how to cruise over here

-no good photographers

-the high note increase in pitch when saying goodbye

6) Sanding cabinets: i will be happy once i do this right and its looking good but….i’m not here for the tedious. i dont have the estimated TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS to redo my kitchen so the $100 lowes fix will do for now. i didn’t realise kitchens were so expensive, but i think there will be an undeniable charm once it’s all over with :) also as i’m typing this i’ve just remembered i have 2 bathroom cabinets to do this with as well. fucking end me i cant do this lmao. i am happy with my house, but the people who owned it before me basically just painted (poorly) everything white and slapped on plenty of cheap amazon handles. now it is my job to reintroduce color and style into this sad, white asylum. kinda fun but my joints hurt!!!

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MARCH 2024

hiiiii besties, its time for the State of Stella! we have finished March and honestly I have been so tied up in moving nonsense and a host of other boring adult bs I haven’t gotten to determine what is in and out that isn’t just….vibes in end stage capitalism out. mmmkay roll the opinions!!


1) Dairylea: ok Britain i’ll give you this. so if you don’t know, dairylea is this relly fake white soft cheese, just tastes creamy and fake as hell. think of it like British Velveeta. but it’s in lil wedges, and dare I say a better treat than string cheese. it’s melty and soft and just the right sharpness. if i were a kid growing up in the UK i would throw tempertantrums for not having this in my lunchbox. perhaps that is why everyone is so miserable here, not enough DAIRYLEA in their DAY!!!! anywhoot. i’ve eaten about 3 of these a day for the whole month and don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.

2) tried and true: so this is a principle I realise is way more important than i previously thought. maybe its a stab at all the lame ass VC backed podcast cereal or trendy lip balms and popular waterbottles…but why are we giving up on the shit that works because its not aesthetically pleasing. all those fake instagram brands that just dropship from another label….waste of money. if it aint broke don’t fix it. use the shampoo from tractor supply and not the hailey beiber whatever the fuck the youths are raving about because the packaging is nice. don’t get me started on these stupid ass cars that have been made in the last 4 years. WHY does everything have so much tech yet lack any sort of character? we are living in end times. take me back bro

3) Valheim: yayyyy my fave game. i finally picked this back up after 3 years and replayed it up to the point of waiting for the Ashlands update. i love this game!! it’s like dark souls minecraft. its so fun, i really enjoy playing it, even if it’s frustrating. the worlds are MASSIVE and the low quality graphics somehow make it super charming. not to mention the game is gorgeous especially while you’re sailing around in your karve or longship! if you do wanna play this be sure to find my viking playlist in my links because i do think the soundtrack is lacking.

4) Sunshine: you are probably sick of hearing me complain about the weather, but listen. i’m a gal who loves warm and sun and water. im a fkin plant ok i love to thrive in the summer time. recently, the sun has been poking around a bit more, and even if i have to stand in one spot of my garden for 30 seconds at a time while the clouds move away, i will take what i can get!!! but looking forward to my floridays where i’ll have all the sun again and all the energy i need to be a fun hot girl online again! yay!!!


1) Bubble wrap: just putting this here because i am sick of packing, and there is so much waste with this plastic hell. so much framed art, all needs this eco killer. i did try the courragated paper thing for what i could, but it really doesn’t provide me the security i feel i need to ship my stuff 4000+ miles. luckily most everything is wrapped already and i won’t have anything left over. but now im going to have to deal with the guilt and shame of this product again once i get to unpacking in a few months. so sad, pray 4 me

2) me with brown hair: sorry if you liked it, but it was not me. i did say i wanted to have a brunette era, but after giving it a go, i needed to be fun again. i figured it would be nice because i did a color analysis and she suggested me to try this, but i failed to take into consideration her skills were to make people pop by just what they wear, and i’m way too much of a leo rising to not have fun exciting hair and feel like what i feel inside is on the outside. sorry! thank god for my stylist for getting me in about a week or two after to get me back to fun, my ends are not loving all the change tho. if you’re thinking about color analysis, i would say its probably a waste of money and you know yourself best. unless you dont. in that case sure go pay someone to make you boring lol.

3) Uber: since i’m moving i had to sell my car so i’ve been ubering a lot. don’t love it because its so expensive and sometimes even that pricetag is cheaper than a train journey. i’m over hopping into the backseat of a prius because tbh they are not comfortable to sit in. neither are train seats but specifically Uber is out because driving these whirlydoo bullshit roads makes me car sick now, for some reason. being trapped in an Uber is next to hell these days and i can’t wait to be back driving myself around.

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Here we are again at the State Of Stella! February was a short month thankfully, even with it being a leap year. Shoutout to the cherry blossoms outside my house that gave me a week of hope and bliss before it got freezing and wet again. Okay, lets get into this past month


1) PRIME: i recognise that this is the second time in a row a beverage takes a spot on the SOS, but i’m a beverage girly so you’ll have to be okay with that. i was admittedly a nonbeliever, but i love this drink! PRIME HQ sent me some bottles to try out (look ma i’m an influencer) but I actually seriously enjoy it. once you take the hater glasses off and stop regurgitating shock out of context headlines, you could find yourself enjoying a seriously delish hydration booster. i havent cracked into the caffine/energy versions yet because i’m not doing anything that requires it BUT i will be trying it soon :)

2) Gudetama: man i relate to this silly lil egg guy so much. i too am a lazy egg that lays around in a cute state of exhaustion all day long. bonus because i love eggs in general. fuck yeah gudetama and im not even a sanrio hello kitty squishmallows girly

3) Somebody That I Used To Know: okay this isn’t tied in with the next point, but have we done a scientific study on how this song and music video has effected the world? this was 9/11 levels of life altering for young people in 2011. the aesthetic, the catchy xylophone, the harmonies, the PIPES on Kimbra….yes i have replayed this song about 150 times this month. tbh i think each of the lines makes sense (and cut deep) but as a whole its not a coherent song. what is also shocking is how bad everyone else’s covers of this song are. like the only person that can sing this song is Kimbra, not even Gotye is 100% in most recordings lol sorry bud

4) Nostalgia drunk: i was led here by rewatching music videos of horrible cringe emo and pop punk bands from when i was in middle/high school (Cute Is What We Aim For/We The Kings/old Paramore/etc) and it HURTS to realise we will never get those times back. there is a point to be made that for every great memory we miss, there is some bad that we forgot about that doesn’t exist anymore (getting groomed on tumblr/waiting in the rain for the school bus)… i guess this is growing up.

5) Sneaky Sasquatch: a goddamn Apple Arcade game had me addicted for DAYS. this is a cute lil adventure game with a lot of mini games and fishing and really silly driving mechanics and charming characters. fully upgraded Spaghetti Hotline and Island Campground has me feeling like a millionaire 🤑 i did get a little turned off when i found out how cringe the fanbase was, but oh well, i’m driving my souped up forklift loaded with lumber unbothered AF.


1) Having the heat on: idk if you know how expensive utilities are in the UK rn but its insane. like 5 times more than the USA easily. couple that with how inefficient the homes are, i’m so over it. i’ll load up on socks and bundle up in sweats before i pay an extra £400 a month to stay toasty. my plants are gonna die because the energy companies are in bed with the Tories and old sweet little ladies cant afford to boil tea kettle. wtf England

2) Pacing: i am a chronic pacer, like a sim who doesn’t know what to do next even though theres a million tasks to be completed. i found that when i’m pacing, i’ll go do some physical activity like lift weights or booty band pump until i don’t want to do that and get back to the sh*t that needs to be done. “now i’m pacing back and forth..” girl GO DO YOUR DISHES

3) Surimi sticks: also known as imitation crab meat, also known as bland and sad sticks of boring. don’t care for them after trying to incorporate them into my meal plans, and god they stink up the fridge. if you have any good recipies to make me enjoy these again lmk.

4) Draino: so not to self report but i use this a lot (because i’m not gonna snake a drain are you kidding me?) and apparently it’s so strong it can eat through pipes. soooo yeah maybe i’ll use it less to make sure it doesn’t detroy the plumbing in my house. also this probably is like, really really bad for the environment, but lord knows the natural Whole Foods type of chemicals don’t work. HELP!!!!

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Welcome to the first State of Stella :) Here I will tell you what is in, and what is so, so out. If you didn’t know, I’m the master of all correct opinions and good ideas. Thanks for reading! btw none of this is sponsored because i’m no corporate shill (until the moment is right)


1) Protein water: oh my god what a life changing product. it’s so much yummier than protein shakes and just overall fabulous to have throughout the day. I spotted a premade bottle in the meal deal section and the rest was history. Also bestie you’re probably not getting enough protein in, so please listen to this suggestion. This is better than any soda, but this specific one pictured is a flavor that is to be reminiscent of the top tier Scottish beverage, Irn Bru. delish!!

2) Popcorn socks: i got some on clearance from ASOS and OMG sensory bliss. It’s like walking on a bunch of rollie pollies (not like i would ever do that…)

3) Making appointments before you need them: this is the secret! Booking hair and med appointments before you need them is a great way to fight back against the impending doom of always having to f*cking deal with something else every single day. It alleviates some of the dread for me at least, and hey! You can always move or cancel if you don’t need it :)

4) My merch: it’s bad ass, I got a shipment in and love it, it looks great!! This specific shirt would look great on a chubby brunette big bear gamer boy sweetheart body type, but also will look pretty alright on everyone else; check out the air fresheners they rock! You can pick it up by going to the merch tab on my website <3

5) Getting winter tattoos: dude, listen. Tats heal better in the winter and you don’t have summer stressors like the sun and the beach there to agitate your new tat. Your fave zapper is bored asf waiting for you to come in and get a sick panther. Go to your local tat shop pronto!!!


1) Netflix: it sucks, honestly, what’s the point? I’m a YouTube watcher anyways. I hated them since they took away Come Dine With Me right in the middle of me watching S12. RUDE.

2) Long ass done up nails: some people will be mad at me for this, and I get it, but this is just an expense that makes your life harder. I took my nails off and now I save £120 every month and can play with LEGO. Plus, a gal like me needs to….work with her hands. Consider it removing a debuff!!

3) Grey skies: go away you ugly skank b*tch. no one likes you. If you are someone who likes grey gloomy skies, cool that’s awesome I hope you enjoy a vitamins D deficiency and a perpetual mist always dirty-ing your glasses. Mentally i’m living in the land of summer, i reject grey skies from this point on. Plus, I can’t take selfies when it’s so gloomy out :(

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