Welcome to the first State of Stella :) Here I will tell you what is in, and what is so, so out. If you didn’t know, I’m the master of all correct opinions and good ideas. Thanks for reading! btw none of this is sponsored because i’m no corporate shill (until the moment is right)


1) Protein water: oh my god what a life changing product. it’s so much yummier than protein shakes and just overall fabulous to have throughout the day. I spotted a premade bottle in the meal deal section and the rest was history. Also bestie you’re probably not getting enough protein in, so please listen to this suggestion. This is better than any soda, but this specific one pictured is a flavor that is to be reminiscent of the top tier Scottish beverage, Irn Bru. delish!!

2) Popcorn socks: i got some on clearance from ASOS and OMG sensory bliss. It’s like walking on a bunch of rollie pollies (not like i would ever do that…)

3) Making appointments before you need them: this is the secret! Booking hair and med appointments before you need them is a great way to fight back against the impending doom of always having to f*cking deal with something else every single day. It alleviates some of the dread for me at least, and hey! You can always move or cancel if you don’t need it :)

4) My merch: it’s bad ass, I got a shipment in and love it, it looks great!! This specific shirt would look great on a chubby brunette big bear gamer boy sweetheart body type, but also will look pretty alright on everyone else; check out the air fresheners they rock! You can pick it up by going to the merch tab on my website <3

5) Getting winter tattoos: dude, listen. Tats heal better in the winter and you don’t have summer stressors like the sun and the beach there to agitate your new tat. Your fave zapper is bored asf waiting for you to come in and get a sick panther. Go to your local tat shop pronto!!!


1) Netflix: it sucks, honestly, what’s the point? I’m a YouTube watcher anyways. I hated them since they took away Come Dine With Me right in the middle of me watching S12. RUDE.

2) Long ass done up nails: some people will be mad at me for this, and I get it, but this is just an expense that makes your life harder. I took my nails off and now I save £120 every month and can play with LEGO. Plus, a gal like me needs to….work with her hands. Consider it removing a debuff!!

3) Grey skies: go away you ugly skank b*tch. no one likes you. If you are someone who likes grey gloomy skies, cool that’s awesome I hope you enjoy a vitamins D deficiency and a perpetual mist always dirty-ing your glasses. Mentally i’m living in the land of summer, i reject grey skies from this point on. Plus, I can’t take selfies when it’s so gloomy out :(
